B.A. in History of Architecture
Both the major and minor in History of Architecture explore the history of styles and monuments, but they also do much more. They provide you with a rich and nuanced understanding of how humanity has interacted with the environment by constructing buildings and cities and by manipulating the landscape, under different social, political, technological and economic circumstances.
This degree will prepare you for a variety of career paths, including:
- historic preservation
- cultural resource management
- museum work
- academia
- architectural design
- consulting with firms specializing in historic buildings.
The Major in History of Architecture requires 30 credits of upper-division coursework drawn from courses on history of architecture taught by faculty from the School of Architecture and the Department of Art and Music Histories.
View careers for architectural historians.
For more information, contact Prof. Matilde Mateo (mmmateo@syr.edu).
IMPORTANT: Not all courses in the History of Architecture offered in the Major and Minor in History of Architecture will be accepted as Architecture History or Architecture History Elective credits for the B.A. in Architecture.

Matilde Mateo