B.A. in Ethics
Ethics is a 24-credit Integrated Learning Major (ILM) encompassing the philosophical study of ethics, including theory and history, ethical issues in research, and the interdisciplinary study of ethical issues arising in the student’s primary major. Among the majors that can be combined with ethics are management, television/radio/film, graphic design, photography, political science, international relations, biology, public health, anthropology, psychology and sociology, as well as all majors offered by the L.C. Smith College of Engineering and Computer Science. The Ethics major has sponsored visiting speakers on such topics as human cloning, the ethics of war, positive psychology, and the relevance of neuroscience and evolutionary biology to morality.
A major in ethics must be combined with another major (the student's "primary" major).
Admittance requires an overall 3.0 GPA and a B or better in both PHI 391 and PHI 393.

Ben Bradley

Ben Bradley

Samuel Gorovitz

Glyn Morgan

Hille Paakkunainen

Ernest Wallwork